Friday, May 24, 2013

What would I change

I would change the beginning of the year.  For me it started out good, but then I messed up and made a stupid mistake.  I got suspended over something that could have been prevented.  I would change this because before I was suspended everyone that mattered looked at me like I was amazing and they respected me.  After I got suspended the ones that I wanted to look at me like that had a new look for me.  It’s called disappointment.  At first I couldn’t really live with that so I kept doing well so they could see that I am not a bad person who does stupid stuff.  I have earned my respect back, but I still think that they look at me like, "Is she really good? Does she actually want to succeed? Or is she going to be one of those 'other' students?"  And I hate that thought.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Lottery Curse Response

In my opinion, I believe that winning the lottery is just like winning an award for some stupid thing that you did. It’s really not that big of a deal because it's just money, but its temporary money. It may help you some if you spend it correctly. For example, if someone uses it to pay off their back rent or if they pay off some other bill or something, then I guess it benefits them. On the other hand, you have reality and what almost every single person does with the money that they win from the lottery. They will spend it on their wants, which by the way are never ending urges. That’s when the problems start up. They could go overboard with gambling, spend too much on items, and do other bad habits. Then that's when they realize that what they did was so stupid and they're just back where they were before the big lottery win. I don’t think that winning the lottery is a curse or a blessing. I believe that it just brings the true colors out of people.

A music video scene

I like a lot of rock: punk rock, oldies rock, heavy metal, you get the point. Anyway, one of the bands that I like is Avenged Sevenfold. Their music is pretty good, they as themselves are quite fine, and their concerts are awesome. So the music video that I chose was from them and the song is called Nightmare. I’m not really sure if it’s school appropriate, but there’s no sex in it so I think it is okay. I chose this music video because of how crazy and creepy-ish it is. I would say that they did a very good job on making it.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

This goes along with the Ghost Adventure's post


In a reality show

The reality show that I would like be on is Ghost Adventures.  I choose this show because it is awesome how their show is set up, whether it is real stuff that investigates or fake stuff.  Plus Zak Baggans, Nick Groff, and Aaron Goodman are hilarious and pretty freaking hot!  In my opinion, their looks make the show; especially, Zak's looks.  In their show, they go from one haunted place (or supposedly haunted) to another across the country.  Sometimes they even go to other foreign countries to investigate the paranormal.  I also chose this show because this is probably one of the best jobs ever!!  They get to travel where ever they want, get paid for "playing with ghosts", to live a freaking wonderful life style, and to be famous!!  The real thing that got me though, was all of the traveling that they get to do.  As a person who LOVES to travel me definitely think that this is amazing.
this one is just for laughs (:

Funny Picture(:

My Favorite Pizza

My favorite type of pizza is Hawaiian pizza, regular or pan made.  If you don’t know what is all on this pizza it is made up of pineapples, ham, cheese, and sauce of course.  I love the sweet taste of it all. To me it is absolutely delicious!  Sometimes, I will even add other toppings such as black olives, bacon, or peppers.  But not banana peppers.  It’s not because I don’t like them it's just they have more of a tangy/acidy taste, which would make the pizza taste funny with the sweetness of the other toppings.  Things that I would NOT put on my pizza are sausage, anchovies, onions, and chicken.  I really just don’t like those things period on anything, except for chicken.  I like that just not on my pizza.  Anyway, I would make Hawaiian pizza into anything such as a calzone or stuffed cheesy bread or other concoction that sounds yummy.

Why do people make retarded videos?!?!

I think that when people, especially girls, try to twerk or do some other dumb dance and video tape it and then post it on the internet is absolutely retarded!  It just makes them look like a fool. I don't know why people do that? I mean, it must be because they think that it is cool and attractive to shake your butt in front of a camera. Really? I, honestly, think that doing this is so very stupid, but I guess I cannot complain too mcuh since it gives me entertainment.  When my friends show me videos of twerking I just crack up and laugh thinking, "Gosh, I feel so sorry for that poor soul."  I think that because that person is getting laughed at so much by everyone in the world that views their video.